personal injury

Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC has been serving the state of Georgia for nearly two decades. No matter what type of accident you’ve been in, we’re here to help. You don’t need to deal with the stress and financial burden caused by someone else’s negligence. Your focus should be on recovering from your injuries. Our experienced Lawrenceville personal injury attorney can help guide you through the aftermath of an accident.

personal injury

Do I Have a Personal Injury Case?

There are a few requirements to warrant a personal injury case. They mostly revolve around proving the at-fault party’s negligence. The main factors include the following:

You likely have a personal injury claim if you can prove all of these aspects. You could also be eligible to receive compensation for your injuries. Our Lawrenceville personal injury attorneys can help you determine if you have a case and pursue your financial recovery.

Personal Injury Attorneys Serving Lawrenceville, Georgia

Our Lawrenceville personal injury lawyer is proud to provide compassionate and expert advice to injury victims in Lawrenceville. We are a small law firm on purpose. It’s how we provide efficient and personalized legal services to our clients. But we have the resources and skills to help you seek the best outcome possible.

We also bring our founding partner Attorney David Brauns to the table. As a former insurance defense attorney, he knows all the insurance companies’ tricks. He uses this insider knowledge and transparency to pursue the compensation our clients need and deserve.

If you’ve been injured in Lawrenceville, contact one of our experienced personal injury lawyers to see how we can help. Our Lawrenceville personal injury attorney offers free consultations, and you don’t pay if we don’t win. Give us a call or contact us online, and one of our personal injury lawyers will be happy to answer your questions.

Common Personal Injury Cases We Handle

Personal injury law focuses on many kinds of accidents, including:

Car accidents happen at an alarming rate and can cause serious injuries. If another motorist leaves you injured in a Lawrenceville car accident, you could face extensive physical, financial, and emotional damages.

Because of the immense size differential between semis and the cars we drive, truck accidents are among the most dangerous accidents on our roadways—and the occupants of the smaller vehicle involved are far more vulnerable to serious injuries in these accidents. While the trucking industry and truck drivers themselves must comply with strict rules and regulations related to safety—including precise hours-of-service restrictions—these entities are not always above running their trucks outside of the bounds of safety to keep up with demand and to ensure increased profits.

Motorcyclists regularly find themselves in traffic with much larger and heavier vehicles, and because they are so much smaller and more difficult to see on the road, they are far more vulnerable to dangerous accidents that cause serious injuries. The fact is, however, that motorcyclists have just as much right to ride as any other motorist does, and every driver is responsible for sharing the road safely with others. This includes looking for and seeing motorcyclists in our midst and making the necessary safety accommodations.

Bicyclists have little to nothing to protect them from the impact of an accident other than their safety helmets—and the protection helmets offer is limited. Further, many motorists view bikes in their midst as nothing more than nuisances and fail to adjust their driving to accommodate for their safety.

Pedestrians are the most vulnerable parties in every traffic accident in which they’re involved. Pedestrians are especially vulnerable to distracted drivers who simply fail to pay adequate attention to the road ahead and whether someone is crossing the street.

Not all accidents occur due to traffic, and some accidents happen when you are simply going about your daily life. When you are grocery shopping or running errands, you might suddenly encounter a Lawrenceville slip and fall accident. Slip and falls happen regularly, and they can result in surprisingly serious injuries. Property and business owners should be liable for slip and falls that occur due to their negligence.

We trust doctors to make proper decisions when it comes to diagnosing and treating medical conditions. Like anyone else, doctors make mistakes, and the law does not hold them liable for every mistake they make. However, sometimes, a medical error will rise to the level of medical negligence, which can cause serious and preventable complications and injuries for patients. Patients who suffer injuries due to medical negligence can file claims for medical malpractice. Such claims might stem from misdiagnosis, delay of treated, medication errors, surgical errors, birth injuries, and more.

When we select a nursing home for a loved one, we expect that facility to provide proper care. However, many nursing home residents experience neglect or even intentional abuse, which can both lead to preventable harm. Nursing home neglect and abuse take many forms, and the losses that result can be financial, physical, and emotional. If you believe that a loved one was a victim of nursing home abuse, you should make sure they are safe from further harm, and then contact a personal injury law firm right away.

Many people love dogs and have them as part of their households. Even if a dog seems friendly, they are still animals who can react to different people and situations in unpredictable ways. In a Lawrenceville dog bite accident and causes injuries, you can incur losses from medical bills, disfigurement, mental trauma, and more. You might have the right to hold the dog owner liable for your losses.

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Common Injuries in Personal Injury Cases

Every personal injury claim is unique and depends on its own set of circumstances, but we often see certain kinds of injuries, including:

  • Broken bones – A broken bone is a painful injury that requires medical treatment and possible surgery to heal properly. Further, when a broken bone doesn’t heal appropriately, it can lead to chronic pain and even to a permanent disability. No one should overlook the seriousness of a broken bone.
  • Traumatic brain injuries – Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) happen due to trauma to the head or by the violent shaking of the head (both of which are common to every manner of traffic accident). Because these injuries affect the brain, they are as unpredictable as they are serious. Several types of impairments can result from TBIs, including cognitive difficulties and physical disabilities. This type of injury commonly keeps victims out of work, school, and regular activities for a period of time, if not permanently.
  • Spinal cord injuries – Spinal cord injuries can happen anywhere on the spine and are generally caused by a significant force to the head, neck, back, or shoulders, such as victims of traffic accidents often endure. These injuries tend to seriously limit the sufferer’s range of motion in the affected area. When the injury affects the spinal cord’s entire width, it causes permanent paralysis and forever alters the course of the victim’s life. This is not to mention the fact that paralysis tends to lead to serious secondary health concerns.
  • Serious burns – Severe burns can result from fires, but they can also happen in a variety of other accidents. Serious burns are among the most painful injuries one can endure, and they often lead to serious complications, including life-threatening infections. Further, when a burn is on or near the face, it can be permanently disfiguring.

These are far from the only types of injuries that can lead to a personal injury claim. If your injuries resulted in medical bills or other losses, you deserve compensation from liable parties. Never think your injury is too minor or severe for a consultation with our legal team. Case evaluations are always free with no obligation, so you have nothing to lose by giving us a call. Our Lawrenceville personal injury lawyers will be honest and straightforward about your rights and whether we can help with an injury claim.

How Can a Personal Injury Attorney Help Me?

Some of the most common reasons people think they shouldn’t hire a personal injury lawyer are because they think the insurance company will be fair, their injuries are minor, or a personal injury attorney is too expensive. But most of the time, none of those are true.

Founding partner David Brauns can tell you the insurance companies are not there to help you. They are looking to reduce or deny your claim in any way they can. Having a knowledgeable Lawrenceville personal injury attorney is essential to seek maximum compensation. We know their tricks, and we’re willing to take your case to court if we can’t settle on fair compensation.

You also shouldn’t assume that your injuries aren’t severe enough to warrant a claim. Symptoms often take time to come up, and treatments may end up being more costly than you expected down the line. It’s essential to be evaluated by a doctor after an accident, even if you feel fine. A Lawrenceville personal injury lawyer can also help you quantify the losses your injuries caused and make sure everything is covered.

Most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, including Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC. Your first consultation is also always free from us. That means we don’t collect anything from you until we win. There’s nothing to lose by just giving our personal injury attorney a call to see how we can help.

Most importantly, you should be focused on getting better and getting your life back to normal. Our personal injury lawyer is here to handle all of the following:

Contact us for a free consultation today to learn more about how our Lawrenceville personal injury lawyers can help your specific case.

Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Cases in Georgia

Georgia personal injury law allows two years to file a personal injury lawsuit. The clock usually begins on the date the accident happened. After two years, your case will likely be denied if you try to bring it to court.

Even if this seems like a lot of time, there’s a lot of preparation involved in a personal injury lawsuit. A Lawrenceville personal injury attorney will need some time to investigate the case and gather all the evidence. You’ll likely try to settle with the insurance company first, and they may not be motivated to settle quickly. It will then take time to file the lawsuit and prepare for court.

That’s why it’s in your best interest to contact a personal injury lawyer in Lawrenceville, GA as soon as possible after the accident. The sooner you call, the sooner they can get to work on pursuing the compensation you need.

Compensation Available for Lawrenceville Accident Victims

Lawrenceville accident victims may be eligible for several types of compensation. The amount will likely vary based on how severe the injury is and the case’s specific circumstances. Compensation can include both financial and non-financial damages, such as the following:

  • Medical bills — You could recover compensation for all of your medical bills. This can include costs of treatment, transportation, and accommodations.
  • Lost wages — It’s possible to recover lost wages from the time you missed at work due to your injuries. This can also include lost future earning potential if you can no longer work the same job and now make less money.
  • Pain and suffering — Although it’s hard to come up with a monetary number for it, you can be compensated for your pain and emotional distress. You may also be able to show how you have a lower quality of life due to your injuries.

It will be necessary to prove these damages, though. It’s usually helpful to take the following steps after an accident to help show your losses and receive compensation:

If you have questions regarding whether you’re eligible for compensation, the legal team at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC is happy to help. Our Lawrenceville personal injury attorney can investigate the accident, collect evidence, and prove how the injuries have affected your life.

Lawrenceville Personal Injury Lawyer FAQ

When drivers, property owners, and other individuals behave unreasonably and negligently, they can cause accidents that severely injure other people. Individuals who suffer personal injuries due to someone else’s negligence may be eligible to pursue monetary compensation from the at-fault party by filing a personal injury claim or a lawsuit in the court system.

If another person’s negligence caused an accident that injured you or someone you love, such as a slip and fall or car accident, the experienced team of Lawrenceville personal injury lawyers at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC can assist you with pursuing the monetary compensation you deserve for your injuries. What follows are answers to many common questions accident victims have about personal injury claims and lawsuits in the Lawrenceville area.

When someone else’s negligence leads to an accident that injures another party, these injuries are compensable via a personal injury claim.

Some common types of accidents that may lead to personal injury claims include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Motor vehicle collisions – When a person operates their vehicle in a negligent manner, such as by speeding, engaging in distracted driving, or otherwise failing to obey the rules of the road, a serious accident can occur that results in one or more personal injuries. Soft tissue neck and back injuries are especially common in motor vehicle collisions, due to the forceful back-and-forth movement that a vehicle occupant’s body experiences during a car crash. If this sounds like something you or a loved one is currently dealing with then contact our skilled team of Lawrenceville car accident lawyers, or  Lawrenceville truck accident lawyers.
  • Slip and fall accidents – A property owner is responsible for maintaining their properties to ensure it is safe for visitors. The property must be in a reasonably safe condition for the benefit of business invitees and social guests, for example. If a defect or another dangerous condition exists on the property, the property owner is responsible for making repairs within a reasonable amount of time or alerting others of the hazardous condition.
  • Bicycle and motorcycle accidents – Bicycles and motorcycles are no match for a car or truck. in a Lawrenceville bicycle accident or Lawrenceville motorcycle accident, the rider can fall off the bike and impact the ground directly. The bike or motorcycle operator can suffer severe injuries as a result.
  • Medical malpractice – When a doctor commits medical negligence or misconduct, such as failing to act in the reasonable manner expected of a healthcare professional in a specific set of circumstances, the patient may file a claim or lawsuit against the doctor or the treating facility.
  • Pedestrian accidents – Pedestrians have the right-of-way at crosswalks and other designated pedestrian areas. However, if a driver is distracted and injures a pedestrian who has the right-of-way, the pedestrian may place a claim against the negligent motor vehicle operator.
  • Defective products – Product manufacturers owe consumers a duty of care to correctly and safely design, manufacture, and test their products. When a product malfunctions, explodes, or does not operate the way it’s supposed to work when being used properly, the person using it may bring a claim or file a lawsuit against the manufacturer or someone else in the chain of distribution.
  • Negligent security claims – Businesses are supposed to ensure that their premises are safe and secure at all times for the benefit of their consumers. When an accident or crime occurs on the business premises due to a lack of appropriate safety measures and/or security personnel, the injured victim may file a claim or lawsuit for negligent security.

The experienced Lawrenceville personal injury attorneys at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC can assist you in filing a personal injury claim if you are the victim of these types of accidents.

If you sustain injuries in an accident that was not your fault, your injuries are compensable as part of a Lawrenceville personal injury claim. Generally speaking, the more serious the accident you were involved in, the more serious the injuries you may suffer.

Some of the most common injuries that form the basis for personal injury claims include the following:

  • Soft tissue injuries, including muscular sprains, strains, and contusions
  • Bone breaks and fractures
  • Traumatic brain and head injuries
  • Spinal cord and back injuries
  • Shoulder sprains, strains, and rotator cuff injuries
  • Internal injuries, such as internal bleeding
  • Death

If an accident caused by another person injured you, the experienced Lawrenceville personal injury lawyers at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC might file a legal claim on your behalf and assist you with pursuing the monetary compensation you need. If your loved one has died due to an accident someone else caused, our team can also help you with filing a wrongful death claim against the at-fault person or persons.

Personal injury claims filed with an at-fault party’s insurance company usually begin when the injured accident victim’s attorney makes a settlement demand. Depending upon the policy limits of coverage, the accident victim’s attorney may demand policy limits to settle the claim, even if it is unlikely that the insurance company would be willing to take such a step.

A demand letter prepared by the victim’s personal injury lawyer may reference monetary demands. The demand letter typically includes all of the accident victim’s medical and physical therapy records, surgical reports, and imaging studies (including X-rays and MRIs). These documents allow the insurance company’s adjuster to review all of the material to get a sense of the victim’s medical treatment as a result of their injuries, as well as the cost of that treatment.

In addition to the medical records and bills, the accident victim’s attorney will include lost wage documentation in the demand package if the accident victim has missed work due to injuries. This documentation may consist of copies of lost wage slips, salary verifications, and medical documents in which a healthcare provider authorized an accident victim to take time off from work.

The demand package in motor vehicle accident cases may include a police report or incident report. They typically include a diagram of the accident scene indicating where the collision occurred, an officer’s professional opinion on which party or parties caused the accident, whether or not a police officer issued a traffic citation to one of the involved parties, and the names and addresses of all of the involved drivers and passengers.

The demand package should also include any available photographs that relate to the accident. Often, the types of pictures that may be helpful depend on the nature of the accident and its occurrence. In motor vehicle accidents, for example, photographs of the collision scene, property damage to the involved vehicles, and the accident victim’s injuries soon after the accident are essential to back up a claim. Demand package photographs for slip-and-fall accidents often display a property defect, such as a spill on the floor or a leaky roof, that provide proof of fault on the part of the property owner or operator.

Finally, demand packages can include a written victim impact statement. In a victim impact statement, the accident victim typically describes how the accident occurred, what they experienced during and after the accident, a comparison of the accident victim’s life before and after the accident, and the further impact that the accident has had on the victim’s life.

The Lawrenceville personal injury attorneys at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC can assist you with filing a personal injury claim with the at-fault person or entity’s insurance company. Additionally, the team can negotiate further on your behalf, to obtain a favorable settlement offer in your case. If the insurance company refuses to offer you the fair compensation that you deserve, our legal team can help you litigate your personal injury case through the state court system.

In the event the at-fault person’s insurance company refuses to adequately compensate you for the personal injuries sustained in the accident, there is always the option of filing a lawsuit in the state court system. It is crucial to keep in mind that just because you file a lawsuit, doing so does not necessarily mean that your case will proceed all the way to a jury trial. In many instances, in fact, the attorneys on both sides of a personal injury dispute will keep settlement negotiations going even after the accident victim or the accident victim’s attorney has filed a lawsuit against the at-fault individual.

A personal injury lawsuit filed in state court officially begins the litigation process. Once a lawsuit is filed and the defendant, most often the individual or entity who was at-fault for the accident, receives and accepts service of process, the defendant’s insurance company will appoint a lawyer. Both parties will then engage in oral and written discovery. The primary purpose of the discovery process is for each side of the dispute to gather more factual information concerning the case, including how the accident occurred, the specific issues that are genuinely in dispute, and the total amount of damages claimed.

If the case does not settle during litigation, the parties will try the personal injury case in front of a jury in state court. After the trial, the jury will resolve the disputed issues in the case, usually liability and/or damages, and reach a verdict.

Some personal injury cases are not resolved in court, but rather by alternative dispute resolution, such as mediation or arbitration. During these processes, a neutral third-party mediator or arbitrator steps in to assist the parties with resolving the personal injury case in a less-adversarial process than a jury trial offers.

The experienced Lawrenceville personal injury lawyers at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC will lay out all of your litigation options and help you decide on the best course of action that suits your needs and the needs of your personal injury case.

In a Lawrenceville personal injury case, you recover monetary compensation by first filing a claim or lawsuit. You then resolve the claim or suit in a manner that is listed above: a personal injury settlement, jury verdict, or alternative dispute resolution proceedings, such as mediation or arbitration.

The damage types and related amounts for which you might recover compensation in a personal injury case depend upon the nature and extent of the injuries you sustained in your accident, the severity of the accident, the degree of medical care and treatment you underwent as a result of the accident, the existence of any personal injury that may cause you to experience lifelong pain and suffering, and the likelihood that you will have to undergo one or more medical procedures in the future, such as surgery.

Personal injury accident victims may be eligible to pursue and recover monetary compensation for all of their medical bills, past and future lost earnings, inconvenience, pain and suffering, mental distress and anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, loss of spousal care and companionship, loss of family support, and loss of use of a body part. To be eligible to recover a certain amount or type of monetary damages, the accident victim must show that the accident was the source of the injuries and damages they are claiming.

Contact a Lawrenceville personal injury attorney to discuss your case and receive guidance on getting the just and fair compensation you deserve.

If you have suffered one or more personal injuries in an accident that someone else caused, your first step on the road to recovering monetary compensation is to file a personal injury claim. In most instances, a personal injury claim names the at-fault person or entity’s insurance company. If you were part of a hit-and-run motor vehicle accident, or if the driver who hit your vehicle was uninsured, then you can file an uninsured motorist claim against your own motor vehicle insurance policy.

As part of the claims-filing process, the accident victim’s lawyer will prepare a demand package and send it to the insurance company for the other side. The demand package typically includes a settlement demand letter, copies of all of the accident victim’s treating medical records and bills (including medical reports detailing any performed procedures, such as injections or surgeries).

The demand package can also include copies of other pertinent pieces of documentation, including lost wage documentation from the accident victim’s employer, a copy of the police report, photographs of the property damage sustained to the accident victim’s vehicle, and photographs of the accident victim’s injuries.

The settlement demand letter that accompanies the demand package will make a monetary demand for settlement. In some serious personal injury accident cases, the initial settlement demand could be the full limits of the insurance policy that was in place at the time of the accident.

Upon receipt, the insurance company adjuster will review the settlement demand letter and all of the supporting documentation. They will then make an opening settlement offer on the personal injury case. In many instances, these opening settlement offers are extremely low and do not fully and fairly compensate accident victims for the personal injuries that they suffered in their accidents.

One reason why these initial offers are so low is that the insurance company “cuts” specific medical bills or lost wages, claiming that they are unrelated to the accident.

In the case of personal injuries and medical treatment, the insurance company can opine that certain injuries were pre-existing and not related to the accident, certain medical treatment was unnecessary, or that the accident victim “over-treated” for their injuries.

Another reason for these initial lowball settlement offers is to see if the accident victim will “bite” and settle their case for a low number. After all, the primary goal of the insurance company is to save itself as much money as possible, and the insurance company does this by paying out as little monetary compensation as possible when settling personal injury cases.

If the insurance company is unwilling to make you a favorable offer on your personal injury case, you have legal options open to you. Specifically, at that juncture, you or your lawyer can file a lawsuit in the Georgia court system.

Just by filing a lawsuit, you can light a fire under the insurance company’s feet, so to speak, and incentivize offering you a more favorable settlement. If not, the experienced Lawrenceville personal injury lawyers at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC can assist you with litigating your case to a conclusion in the courts.

In a Lawrenceville personal injury case, the accident victim, also known as the plaintiff, has the legal burden of proof. The individual or entity that the plaintiff is suing, also known as the defendant, does not need to prove anything in the case.

Specifically, the plaintiff must meet their burden of proof by a standard known as the ‘preponderance of the evidence’ standard, meaning the accident victim must demonstrate that it is more likely than not that the defendant was negligent and that the accident victim suffered injuries as a direct and proximate result of the defendant’s negligence.

Specifically, the accident victim must prove the following legal elements by a preponderance of the evidence:

  • Duty element – First and foremost, you must demonstrate that the person or entity that was responsible for your accident owed you a duty of care. For example, motor vehicle operators owe all other drivers and pedestrians on or near the road a responsibility to operate their vehicles in a reasonable, prudent, safe, and careful manner at all times. Premises owners usually have a duty to ensure that their premises are kept free from hazards and defects, and that they repair or warn about all known hazards and defects that would not be readily apparent to a visitor upon a reasonable inspection. Product manufacturers and distributors have a duty to carefully manufacture, design, and test their products before making them available to the public for purchase.
  • Breach element – In a personal injury case, the accident victim must demonstrate that the responsible person or entity violated the applicable duty of care and engaged in unreasonable behavior under the circumstances. For example, in a motor vehicle accident case, the at-fault driver could have been speeding or violating some other traffic law, or a premises owner failed to clean up a floor spill in a reasonable amount of time, resulting in a slip-and-fall accident. When a person or entity violates a statute that is on the books, that violation alone can be sufficient to establish a breach of the applicable duty of care in a civil personal injury case.
  • Causation element – The accident victim must demonstrate that the accident (and subsequent injuries) would not have occurred without the responsible person or entity’s carelessness or negligence. The accident victim must also show that the accident was a foreseeable consequence of the at-fault party’s negligence.
  • Damages element – Finally, the accident victim in a personal injury case must demonstrate that they suffered at least one personal injury and that the injury or injuries sustained actually resulted from the accident.

The experienced Lawrenceville personal injury lawyer at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC can assist you with satisfying all of the legal elements of your personal injury claim or lawsuit, putting you in a position to pursue and recover monetary damages in your case.

A person can choose to litigate a Lawrenceville personal injury case if the at-fault person’s insurance company is unwilling to offer them a fair and reasonable amount to settle the case. At other times, an accident victim can file a lawsuit in their case to protect the applicable two-year statute of limitations.

Whatever the reason, just because your attorney files a complaint in the Georgia state court system does not necessarily mean that your personal injury legal action will go all the way to trial. In fact, a majority of Lawrenceville personal injury cases settle well before the trial date. Filing a complaint in the court system simply gets the ball rolling.

Once the at-fault party receives a process and an attorney enters an appearance on their behalf, the discovery process will likely begin. During this part of the personal injury case, each side will answer written questions, called interrogatories. Moreover, the defense attorney can take the accident victim’s deposition. During a deposition, the defense lawyer asks accident victim questions about how the accident occurred, the injuries they suffered in the accident, and the permanent impacts of any physical injuries sustained.

During personal injury litigation, there is usually at least one pre-trial or settlement conference in the case. During a settlement conference, both sides will meet and attempt to work out a resolution to the personal injury case by way of a settlement. The same type of process occurs in mediation if the parties choose to go that route.

If the case does not settle at mediation or a settlement conference, the court will usually set a trial date. At a jury trial, the accident victim will have an opportunity to tell their side of the story, including the impact that the accident and injuries had on their life. It will then be up to the jury to decide what, if any, monetary compensation to award the accident victim.

Litigating your personal injury case through the Georgia court system can be a long and tedious process. The knowledgeable team of Lawrenceville personal injury lawyers at Brauns Law Accident Injury Lawyers, PC can assist you throughout the litigation process and work to bring your case to an efficient and favorable conclusion.